Wednesday, January 30, 2008

7 interesting things

Ok soooo apparently I have been tagged and have to think of 7 interesting things about myself and I am sure non of these will be interesting. [:

1. I have played lacrosse since I was a freshman in High school.

2. I broke my pinky a year and a half ago and had to have surgery. And I was in the hospital for 4 days because of a staph infection.

3. I secretly want 3-5 kids. But always say I don't want any.

4. I have gone to 3 different high schools in 4 years, but I have always lived in the same house.

5. If I don't like someone's name I am very likely to not want to get to know them.

6. I'm known to get bored quite easily. and if I get a thought that I think is important I say it no matter how irrelevant it is.

7. I want to get married in the Logan Utah temple. I think it is pretty.

1 comment:

Shauna@shwinandshwin said...

So how come no one ever leaves comments on your blog? I must say I find those 7 things very interesting and your SR. Pica are great, you look a lot like allison in them. (funny how that happens) Keep in touch!